Temporary mode of operation of LLC "KUA APF "DALIZ-FINANCE" and LLC "FC" DALIZ-FINANCE"


In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Ukraine and the introduction of quarantine throughout Ukraine, the Companies have decided to allow remote work of the Company's employees. Thus, starting from 17.03.2020, employees will not be able to work at the office of the Companies located at: 7, Klovsky Uzviz, Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine, at. 49/5 will be limited. However, the Companies continue to operate within the established business hours, all telephones of the Companies are available and contacts with the employees of the Companies are made by means of telephone and electronic communication. If there is a need to hold a personal meeting with the Company's employees at the office or outside the office, please pre-arrange such a meeting by calling 044-278-20-82 or by e-mailing [email protected] and [email protected]. This measure is forced and urgent within the current situation in the country and the world. The resumption of the Company's normal operations will be announced later.

Any questions you may have, you can talk to us.
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